I’m gonna start right in the 80s when I transformed from a perfect example of a KISS fan to a magnificent GDR punk rocker.

PUNK is different and different is what I wanted to be. But I had to realize that there were many others all of a sudden: Poppers, New Romantics, Skins, long-haired people and the colorful breakdancers. Somehow everyone in Dessau knew each other and so nobody cared in which group meone was at the moment. There were no prejudices in music either. Wheter it was the Sex Pistols, The Cure, New Order, Kraftwerk, Madness or whoever you were listening to at the moment, the people in Dessau all stuck together somehow with only very few exceptions. In 1984 I impressed Magic Mayer and his crew with my Universum Supersound boombox and a fantastic Barry Graves a.k.a. Paco mix.
Back then I did not know what Mayer was most interested in that day. For me, for the Paco mix or for the Universum stereo cassette recorder. Eventually he chose everything and went on my nuts quite a bit to get a hold of the ghetto box. He got it after all. Our time had begun. Peter and Mayer were on their way.